Hello there! Long time no see! It’s been about a month since I promised all these really great summery posts that haven’t happened yet but fear not! I come with gifts finally from a time back when things were beautiful, simple and came in glass bottles with sweet elemental themes surrounding them. I’m talking about none other than the Snapple Element line!

That’s right! The Snapple Element line is back (in one form or another)! I say that nonchalantly but, realistically, these things just barely pass on the nostalgia note in both flavor and appearance but, man… I’M STILL HYPED!

They started the line off with Air, Fire and Rain which all seem to be flavored respectively as their vintage counterparts but, there’s a catch…. less sugar, plastic bottle, new design which, like I keep saying, leaves most of us wishing Snapple would’ve just left it alone.

With all that said, I still think the drinks are VERY enjoyable and ALMOST hit the right notes flavor wise. These things seem to sell really well everywhere I’ve found them which has me hoping they continue to expand on the line and give us some other original flavors. I originally ordered these online but did eventually find them in Sheetz, Dollar General as well as some random Rite Aid stores so, if you’re after them, check all those places!

I will be back again soon with yet another vlog post in the very near future. In the meantime, click here to check out the latest Leftover Pizza Podcast episode featuring some of our favorite sharks just in time for Shark Week! Thanks for reading/watching!