Who, What, Where, When Why and Other Words that Might Start with “W”….
DEREK and GRIMEY, of course! Your hosts of The Leftover Pizza Podcast’n all that! (you can find us somewhere on this page in the most professional looking black and white photos we could find… we’re both holding things we like)
Here at Leftover Pizza, we’re diving into the ball pit of your childhood memories and serving up greasy slices of nostalgia with a healthy dose of pop culture sprinkled on top! From Saturday morning cartoons to that one weird toy your mom swore would be valuable someday, we’re delving into memories of simpler times with each bite!
For fun. That’s it. No hidden messages or weird click bait-y nonsense. Besides, adulting is overrated and our inner children demand tribute! Plus, it gives us an excuse to keep buying Happy Meal toys without judgement. Heck, even with judgement, we’re buying the stuff either way… might as well showcase it online. Or, perhaps you’re asking “why ‘Leftover Pizza?’” Maybe it’s deep commentary on how nostalgia is best served cold. Or, possibly it’s a joke made about some rat lead arcade birthday paradise with a weird pizza conspiracy. It’s like one of those sweet Goosebumps books - choose your own adventure!
Right here in this corner of the net that we’ve triumphantly claimed like a flag on the moon! Also, don’t forget to stalk us on our socials and catch the podcast wherever fine earbuds are inserted. The links are scattered around this site like Easter eggs in a sitcom.
We’re gonna try to update this place more often than your aunt shares cat memes, but we’re not making any promises about a set schedule - we’re allergic to adulting, remember?
Worcestershire, weddings, what’s-up-doc, wanna-hang-out-and-eat-pizza?