The grass is green, the temperature is high, the power lines are buzzing louder, killer bees have traveled back from the Yucatan Peninsula… this can only mean one thing; summer is near, so, let's get this party started off on the right foot, ladies and gentlemen. The 2022 Summer Survival Guide starts now!

The Summer Survival Guide is meant to showcase all great things summer has to offer, no matter how few things there seem to be. This is the third annual guide, by the way. If you're interested in checking out stuff from the previous years, click here for the summer archives!

If you've been with us for a bit and want to see what new we have in store, click here for a vlog entry of my first flea market trip of the season. Don't feel like reading/watching a video? Click here to listen to the first of a series of summer themed Leftover Pizza Podcast episodes. Our first entry features a nostalgic dive into a metaphorical 80s drive in where we watch 8 different summer films from the 80s! Derek and I have been planning ahead to get some really cool ideas for episodes to produce for the summer, so, keep an eye open for those announcements; you won't want to miss em!

What else can you expect to see from us? You can count on at least a few vlog entries showcasing some of the hottest new junk food items of the season. Also, perhaps a few summer memory dumps or even a couple mentions of some cool toys that may or may not have something to do with summer will also make the cut (they will).

What else? Not feeling in the mood for swimming pools and watermelons just yet? Let us help! Below are a few things that you can do right now to get in the right mindset! Even if you don't feel like doing them in the moment, it never hurts to try anyways or, at the very least, marinate over the ideas a bit!

1. Start a Summer Playlist: This is an absolute must! Music is the easiest way to get into whatever head space you're aiming for and, lets face it, there are songs you can jam to now that you absolutely wouldn’t jam any other time of the year. Take advantage of this! Your task; hit up either YouTube, Spotify or whatever you use to listen to music and create a bitchin' playlist fit for BBQ's, sun bathing, sitting around a fire, trekking on a sandy beach or even a chill night drive in the cool summer breeze. Don't feel like making one? WE GOT YOU! Click here for our summer playlist! Also, feel free to hit us with track suggestions to feature in it. We're always open to add more!

2. Carve Fruit into Jack-o-lanterns: I know, this is technically a repeat from the 1st SSG, but we love Halloween here and it's obvious that most of you do as well; that's no secret and we can't stop thinking about how soon it'll be here once the summer flies past us. Fusing the seasons together and carving pine-o-lanterns and wat-o-lanterns is one of the best ways to enjoy both! Plus, they make great center pieces for sick summer parties in the back yard!

3. DemBoys’ First Summer Camera Scavenger Hunt: In a world where everything is at your fingertips and instant, we lose some of what made us excited back in the day like waiting on photos to be developed. Consider this an excuse to shut off your phone, buy a disposable camera at Wal-Mart and go out on a scavenger hunt! Your task: load up your camera, click here for the DemBoys Summer Scavanger Hunt list and print it out, take as many pictures from the list as possible and report back! We would love to see what you come up with! The beauty of disposable cameras is that the pictures never truly come out perfect but we still lined full photo albums with them in the 80s and 90s. The most imperfect photos always seem to be my favorite! Here's your chance/excuse to relive that.

4. Take a Day to Plan: Sometimes it's good to go with the flow, however, planning out a few dates in the summer ahead of time has it's charm. It's A. great to have everything organized and to be able to see a clear path as to what you're about to do next and B. it's another great way to get excited about the season. Maybe there's a cool traveling carnival you plan to visit or perhaps you're taking some time away from town and spending time at a beach, or maybe you have a summer family picnic that needs penciled in; I'm telling you, take a moment or even an entire day and plan something!

5. Stay Indoors: The heat got you down or the rain drowning you out? Use the excruciatingly hot days or super rainy days to chill indoors. I love a hot day where even the idea of going outside is painful; days like this are perfect for staying in an air conditioned room with a couple pizzas and a good movie marathon or a couple rounds of Super Mario. Speaking of pizzas, be sure to snag one of those cool new Stranger Things 80s boxes from Domino’s! They’re gorgeous!

We know summer isn't the easiest season to get through but we hope you enjoy all that we have in store for you and it, at the very least, helps entertain you a bit. Thanks for reading!